Reviews of LookWAYup

Online Dictionaries:
Translation Dictionary English Dictionary French English English French Spanish English English Spanish Portuguese English English Portuguese German English English German Dutch English English Dutch

Reviews of LookWAYup

and a few sites we like even with no review

Wireless  Browser Version  Education  Languages and Translation  Writing  Personal pages and blogs  Web Directories  Miscellaneous

Education (international) ESL Guide Pick "An innovative new product"

Copernicus Education Gateway (U.S.) Selected Resource

Canadian Living October 2002 (Canada) "Help your kids research their homework assignment"

Teaching English with Technology (Poland) "especially useful when teachers prepare some reading comprehension materials for students"

Interlink Language Centers (U.S.) "Unique and useful"

Englishjet (U.K.)

Advanced Composition for Non-Native Speakers of English (Mexico) "This dictionary utility is great, and you should install it on your browser immediately."

Council on International Higher Education

Kids' Online Resources (international)

Board of Education City of New York (U.S.)

The Virtual English Classroom (Greece) "Try it! It is amazing."

Higher Education Resource Hub

St. Michael's College U.S.***

Free Stuff For Canadian Teachers

Tynemouth College (U.K.) "Facilitates translation"

National ChengChi University (Taiwan)

Dschola - Le scuole per le scuole (Italy)

English Club EFL/ESL/TEFL/TESL Links

Los Angeles County Office of Education (U.S.)


English Teachers Network (Israel)

ESL24 (international)

Damascus Middle School (U.S.)

Pinks Flamingo's Resources for Writers (Canada) "I use their browser "plugin", which gives me a button so I can look up anything on any webpage as I search"

A Research Guide for Students "Find out how to use this dictionary, how to put it on your web site, reasons on Why use a dictionary"

Online Writing Labs, Purdue (U.S.) "a large online English dictionary that tolerates small spelling errors"

J. Stefan Institute (Slovenia)

Pasteur Institute Computing Center (France)

Wortley Road School (Canada)

Canadian Social Research Links (Canada)

Humbul Humanities Hub (U.K.)

IATEFL Computer Special Interest Group "LookWAYup corrected my misspelling of 'baccalureate' to 'baccalaureate' and found a true definition, which is a pretty cool feature, if you aren't sure of the spelling of a word."

Akademska in raziskovalna mreza Slovenije (Slovenia)

Yale University - The Bass Writing Program’s Favorite Links"A dictionary that not only provides definitions but also corrects your spelling if need be"

TALL (Technology Assisted Language Learning) Summer Institute, Albany (U.S.) "literally follows ESL learners wherever they go on the Web. Pretty cool!"

Widdifield Secondary School (Canada)

English Grammar Online (Germany) "A great dictionary with some different meanings for words" (international)

Mrs Hurley's ESL (U.S.)

Nelson/ Thomson Learning (Canada)

Online Converters (International)

Lancaster University (U.K.)

McGill University ESL resources (Canada)

University of Connecticut (U.S.) "helpful, ESL-tolerant dictionary"

Slovensko Društvo za angleške študije (Slovenia)

Deakin University (Australia)PDF format

Arizona State University West (U.S.) "useful dictionary for quick and easy translations"

Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (Switzerland)

Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEFL for TEACHERS

Using weblogs in English Language Teaching (International) "a fabulous tool that's perfect for EFL / ESL student blogs"

London Metropolitan University Applied Translation Studies (U.K.)

Saint Marks High School (U.S.)

Wordnet, Princeton (U.S.)

Antonio Jiménez

Mrs. Vrabel's French & Spanish classes (U.S.) "a decent dictionary with choices between meanings"

Private English Classes (Brazil)

ESL Spot (France)

Louisiana State University (U.S.)

Case Thomas Jefferson (Brazil)

Just-Education (U.S.)

Pools - producing open online learning systems (Denmark) Integrates LookWAYup into Portuguese and Dutch versions of the Web Page Text Blender

SOON online magazine Learning English -The Teacher's Page

The English Tutor TeleCampus (Canada) International Online Learning Centre for the TOEFL, TWE, and TSE.

English Grammar The Easy Way "Recommended: well laid out, clear exposition, many examples."

El Paraiso School - Spanish in Costa Rica Uses LookWAYup's French Word of the Second

Bussola Escolar (Brazil)

ESL Teachers Board (International) has free ESL materials, jobs and resumes. Uses LookWAYup Word of the Hour RSS feeds

Spanish Language (U.S.) Learn Spanish free with interactive, on-line, language lessons

NetLearne English (Japan) good use of LookWAYup for computer-based language learning

Students with Special Needs, RL Craig School (U.S.)

AcademicInfo (U.S.): Subject Guides, Educational Resources, Online Degree Information

So many reviews and recommendations! We can't keep up. If you've written a review of LookWAYup, send us an e-mail so we can link to it.

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