Reviews of LookWAYup
Wireless Browser Version Education Languages and Translation Writing Personal pages and blogs Web Directories Miscellaneous
American Press Institute (formerly The Journalist's Toolbox) (U.S.) "much larger dictionary sizes than most online services"Writing for Performance (U.K.)
Communication Expressway Issue 18 (U.S.)
Judy Vorfeld's editing and writing services site (U.S.)
Editor and Publisher Magazine "allow readers to look up the definition of any word in any story"
Poynter Online "can turn a news website (well, any site) into a full-time dictionary"
American Press Institute (U.S.)
English Writing Services, technical editing
Personal pages and blogs
SeaKai's Web Filter (Belgium)) "If you can't find it there, it probably doesn't exist"LogiLogi Blog "I would rather suggest adding something like for easy lookup of unknown words on the translate page."
Wiki Features Wiki (International)
Jan Prins Web page (Netherlands)
Harry Forsdick Web page (U.S.) "Check this out some more"
Bob Jensen, Trinity University (U.S.) Helper Site of the Week --- "This Works for Me!"
George School Class of 1954 (U.S.)
404 magazine (Netherlands) "Klik een onbekend of moeilijk woord aan op een site en er verschijnt een pop-up met de betekenis van het woord. Het woordenboek biedt ook vertalingen naar het Nederlands aan."
The Madman Manifesto "searches for compatible words/spelling/reference. I've yet to discover all the bells & whistles"
Quest Gems family-safe resources
Plotinus, kooky aesthetician who likes 18th-century thought (U.S.) "doesn't seem half bad"
BizTools Brief "snazzy service!"
Online dictionaries and thesauruses for a Finnish IT student
This and That (France) "Need a dictionary? Just type the words on this site!" (Netherlands) "heb ik nu een andere (wellicht betere) site die makkelijk in gebruik is en goede resultaten oplevert, zinniger dan die van Worldlingo in het geval wat ik zocht. Lookwayup heet het en het is ook een soort verklaringswoordenboek, zodat je het goede woord voor die context hebt."
Better Editor Online Resources for Editors and Writers
Web Directories
ZWYX Directory (France)Lanka Link (Sri Lanka) Best dictionary links
Kamous References Internet Guide

The Albanian Directory (Albania)
Black Stump (Australia)Broadband DSL Reports "Wow!"
Data & Analysis Center for Software (U.S. Department of Defense)
AN ELECTRONIC TERM LIST (ETL), Fred W. Riggs, University of Hawaii (U.S.)
Petroleum Institute (Abu Dhabi)
Findlaw General Reference Sites
The Blue Ribbon Website Awards
Hints and Things (UK) "this is a most useful site"
Mommy's Place.NET (US) "This is an awesome program!" Gold Seal for Superb Reference Site
Diocese of Johannesburg Resources for Priests (South Africa)
Tim's Web Page Directory (Canada)
Lonely Planet (international) "Full definitions and also works on mobile devices."
Eye-home (Netherlands) "I found myself searching for a good online dictionary, now I found one! This is much better than freedict or travlang's dictionaries"
Lost Luggage Tales (U.S.) - Travel the world... Tell your tales...
ISONavigator, ISO 9001 training (U.K.) "If English is not your first language here is an online translator"
Cycling passes & climbs of Europe
Netherlands Genealogy Research Links
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Francis Pisani, in El País (Spain), Reforma (Mexico), El Diario de Hoy (El Salvador) "LookWayUp, puede ser un diccionario más inteligente"
404 magazine (Netherlands) "woordenboeken, vertaaldiensten en spellingcontrole van websites combineert" Canada's Cultural Gateway (Canada)
Alle-Kiski Today Online (U.S.) Cool Web Sites for Kids
BudPage Website for Thai Buddhists and future generations (in Thai)
susXchange platform for intercultural exchange (Germany)
the Ball family of Hastings (U.K.)
Encyclopedie goedbegin (Netherlands)
ZYRA (UK) Interesting eccentric site with thousands of pages of useful information on a wealth of subjects
Information Technology Lawyers (Canada)
Chemicool Chemistry Dictionary
So many reviews and recommendations! We can't keep up. If you've written a review of LookWAYup, send us an e-mail so we can link to it.